Leading the way in intelligent manufacturing | ESTUN Automation was named the national champion in manufacturing


Recently, ESTUN's "Photovoltaic layout Industrial Robot" was selected into the list of the eighth batch of single champion enterprises in the manufacturing industry by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. This is another honor for ESTUN after it won the title of "Little Giant" firm at the national level. Focusing on the application technology of the entire photovoltaic industry chain, ESTUN has been working hard to create a complete intelligent solution for the photovoltaic industry around the intelligent manufacturing needs of silicon crystals, solar cells, and photovoltaic modules.

* A manufacturing single champion enterprise refers to an enterprise that has been focusing on certain specific product segments in the manufacturing market for a long time, has internationally leading production technology or processes, and has a single product market share that ranks among the top in the world.

ESTUN Robots Enable Intelligent Manufacturing of the Entire Photovoltaic Industry Chain

In the photovoltaic industry, ESTUN has reached close cooperation with more than 100 photovoltaic companies. The complete solution of intelligent manufacturing in the whole industry chain is applied to each process stage of photovoltaics, providing intelligent and complete solutions for the photovoltaic industry and applications, and using Chinese technology to lead the vigorous development of the photovoltaic industry.

ESTUN has been deeply involved in the photovoltaic industry for many years and is familiar with every process from silicon materials and wafers to battery cells and packaging. While helping customers to improve robot automation, it also customizes high-value products for difficult processes, breaks through application difficulties, and achieves production line coverage of the entire process chain of the photovoltaic industry.

In silicon segment sticking process, in response to the process requirements of large size, silicon rod handling, glue coating, etc., ESTUN launched heavy-load six-axis robots such as ER220B-2650/ER280-3200/ER350-3300 to create a high-beat, high-stability, and high-flexibility solution that is compatible with silicon rod processing of different specifications such as 182mm or 210mm to meet the needs of high-speed and flexible production.


In battery fragment transfer process, ESTUN launched the ER20B-1745-PV/ER28B-1800-PV transfer robot, which can accurately and stably complete the battery cell handling work, meeting the requirements of high production capacity and low fragmentation rate. ESTUN ER20B-1745-PV/ER28B-1800-PV battery cell transfer robot is developed for the high-beat and high-inertia requirements of battery cell transfer applications. The new trajectory planning algorithm is combined with the vibration suppression function to effectively reduce the fragmentation rate; the high-inertia wrist is compatible with 182/210mm battery cells, meeting the use requirements of multiple scenarios and multiple process segments.


In battery segment insertion process, in response to the trend of thinner and larger battery cells, ESTUN launched the UNO-15-1430-HP robot for PE insertion. Through the new key parts selection + rigid body design + vibration suppression algorithm + advanced dynamic model, the cycle time is improved while ensuring the trajectory accuracy of the product. It can effectively improve production capacity and prevent battery cell scratches, thus meeting the requirements of insertion applications.

In packaging segment layout process, ESTUN ER20B/10-2010-HI high-speed large-inertia robot is used for component battery string layout, with the world's leading production efficiency; its high-precision integrated visual control system + self-developed layout-specific software package + ultra-large inertia + 2010mm ultra-long arm span can easily be compatible with various layouts and realize one-click layout switching.


Focus on dual carbon goals for green development

Against the backdrop of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality", ESTUN responds to the "dual carbon" goal, maintains its "first-mover advantage", deploys new energy market segments, and injects new vitality into the green development of the new energy industry. Globally, ESTUN's photovoltaic smart production line will participate in carbon reduction of 280 million tons (No. 1) in 2023, helping the photovoltaic industry reduce costs and increase efficiency.

ESTUN provides complete intelligent manufacturing solutions for the photovoltaic industry. ESTUN's photovoltaic typesetting robot not only brings revolutionary changes to the photovoltaic industry, but also provides strong support for the green transformation of the global manufacturing industry. In the future, ESTUN will continue to uphold the concept of green and energy-saving, continuously innovate technology, provide global partners with better quality and smarter manufacturing solutions, and jointly promote the development of green manufacturing.


Digital intelligent production line, creating a lean management system

Digitalization is an important way and the only way for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, and it is also the trend and direction of the future development of the manufacturing industry. ESTUN has created a complete digital solution in the photovoltaic industry, providing value to customers in all business links of production and operation.

ESTUN Photovoltaic Digital Production Line builds an intelligent production system - E-PCS system, providing planning and work order management, production process data management, material management, AGV management, quality management, remote maintenance, equipment health detection, equipment performance transparency, production line lean analysis, digital twins and other full-process online detection and management systems. The edge computing module collaborates with the E-Noesis industrial digital platform to bring accurate and intuitive equipment management. Lean and intelligent production process management and fast and convenient after-sales service can quickly build a lightweight lean management platform for enterprises.


Based on its independent core competitiveness, ESTUN will continue to play the role of a leading enterprise in the industrial chain, integrate high-quality resources, drive the development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, integrate and focus on the industry's advantageous resources, provide the photovoltaic industry with "Robot +" intelligent solutions, and build a new driving force for the global intelligent manufacturing industry.


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  • 1888 Jiyin Avenue, Jiangning District
    Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province

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