Robots + Education〡ESTUN Robots enable education innovation and change

Since the promulgation of the "Robot+" Application Action Implementation Plan in 2023, robot technology has been widely used and practiced in many demonstration scenarios such as industrial manufacturing, smart logistics, medical care and elderly care. Among them, "Robot+Education" is irreplaceable in key areas such as vocational education and colleges and universities.

As a leading enterprise in the intelligent manufacturing industry, ESTUN carries the important mission of promoting the development of the education industry. We are well aware that the future of intelligent manufacturing lies in the cultivation of talents and technological innovation. Therefore, we actively explore the deep integration of robots and education, and use the new model of "Robots + Education" to empower the industry and inject continuous vitality into the industry.

Industry-education integration creates a new ecology of diversified teaching practice

As a pilot enterprise for industry-education integration in Jiangsu Province, ESTUN leverages the industry advantages of robots and motion control in overall solutions for photovoltaic, lithium battery, metal processing and other industries, jointly builds modern industrial colleges with major universities, and promotes in-depth industry-education integration cooperation between the company and universities.

Talent research and standard setting

 ESTUN has established long-term cooperation with Southeast University, Nanjing Institute of Technology, and Sanjiang University, and participated in the research and standard setting of robots and intelligent manufacturing talents. ESTUN donated an industrial robot worth 1.8 million yuan to Southeast University to build the "ESTUN-Southeast University Industrial Robot Motion Control Laboratory" for the joint training of students majoring in robotics engineering at Southeast University, providing solid support for the training of intelligent manufacturing talents. Benefiting from the convenience of geographical space, ESTUN receives visits and internships from students from surrounding colleges and universities all year round.


ESTUN-Southeast University Industrial Robot Motion Control Laboratory

Participate in teaching materials and curriculum development

ESTUN participated in the compilation of teaching guidance books for colleges and universities, a series of textbooks on industry-education integration (lifelong learning plan for applied talents): "Industrial Robot Motion Control Technology"; the "13th Five-Year Plan" series of textbooks for industrial robot majors in national higher vocational colleges, and the designated book for the cultivation of applied talents in industrial robots: "Introduction to Industrial Robots". ESTUN has integrated its rich experience and advanced technologies in the field of industrial robots into the teaching content, providing systematic and practical teaching materials for "Robot + Education" education, promoting the in-depth development of industry-education integration, and strengthening the close cooperation between schools and enterprises.



Talent cultivation and training

In order to further deepen the new round of education and teaching reform, ESTUN cooperates with colleges and universities to accelerate the development of disciplines and majors, strengthen the construction of "dual-capable" teaching staff, improve the teaching level and engineering practice ability of professional teachers, and jointly carry out dual-capable teacher training courses with colleges and universities. In 2015, ESTUN Robotics College was established with ESTUN Robotics Engineering Co., Ltd., opening a new major in industrial robot technology, carrying out modern apprenticeship training, and social training.

Further promoting the in-depth implementation of the integration of industry and education has provided strong support for the cultivation of applied talents in the field of industrial robots. These measures not only help to improve the practical ability and comprehensive quality of professional talents in colleges and universities, but also provide more high-quality professional talents for enterprises, promoting the upgrading and development of the industry.


International Talent Exchange and Cooperation

Becoming an international Chinese enterprise is ESTUN's core development strategy. In addition to having many branches and subsidiaries in Hubei, Guangdong, Shanghai and other places in China, the company also has wholly-owned or holding companies overseas, including Trio in the UK, Cloos in Germany, M.A.i. in Germany, R&D centers in Italy, and shares in Barrett in the United States, etc. It has an internationally leading competitive position in motion control solutions, welding robots and rehabilitation robots, laying a solid foundation for the company to fully implement its international development strategy. Due to the needs of the market and market expansion, it also cooperates with partners to participate in the internationalization of education and the cultivation of talents, jointly strengthen effective cooperation between schools and enterprises, and the deep integration of production and education, and promote talent cultivation, discipline and professional construction, and serve the "Belt and Road" construction through cultural exchanges, and promote international exchanges and cooperation of talents.


Robots + Education 〡Explore Infinite Possibilities

ESTUN actively cooperates with general colleges and universities, research institutes, vocational schools, etc. to jointly build talent internship and training bases, carry out in-depth cooperation with colleges and universities, explore industry-university-research cooperation in motion control, industrial robots, etc., promote teacher training, discipline and curriculum construction, industry-university cooperation and collaborative education projects, internship employment, international talent exchange and cooperation, and provide support for the cultivation of intelligent manufacturing talents.

In the future, ESTUN will continue to work with the education industry to create a new chapter in the intelligent manufacturing industry and start a win-win journey of talent training and industrial upgrading. By creating a full range of industrial solutions for the education industry, building a complete training base, inviting corporate mentors to impart practical experience, and creating a new model of talent service. By setting up expert studios, gathering industry wisdom, and providing strong support for the top-level design and planning of the base. In the field of "robots + education", ESTUN will cultivate more outstanding talents for the intelligent manufacturing industry and help the industry upgrade and development.


  • 1888 Jiyin Avenue, Jiangning District
    Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province

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